Tattoos are created through ink being injected into the dermis layer of the skin using specialized needles. When tattoo needles puncture the skin they create thousands of tiny micro wounds. Your body, being the amazing thing that it is, immediately leaps into action. It responds in a number of ways, but for the purposes of this article, it primarily responds by sending what are called macrophages to the site of the wound. The pigment particles from tattoo inks are too large for macrophages to destroy. The pigment becomes “stuck” in the dermis, resulting in tattoo art! Macrophages heal and begin closing the numerous needle incisions, devouring foreign contaminants in the process. Over the course of the next 1-3 weeks, depending on the healing methods used and the individual’s immune system, your body treats the tattoo nearly identically to any other skin wound and busily works to repair the area.
The tattoo healing process includes a four-stage timeline that includes oozing, itching, peeling, and persistent aftercare. Once your tattoo is finished, it’s important to continually clean and protect your tattoo so that infection doesn’t occur.
New tattoo healing usually occurs over a period of a week to two weeks depending on your healing method and respective immune system. A deeper, invisible healing maturation period then occurs, lasting anywhere from 20 days to 2 years. When getting a new tattoo, your Saniderm bandage will be applied for the first 8-24 hours and will be removed when the lymph fluid build-up and breaks the seal. The tattoo healing process of your skin can be broken down as follows:
After the initial hemostasis and inflammatory phases occur during the tattoo and for 24 hours afterward, the traditional tattoo healing process begins with the shedding of the dead, or dying, layers of skin above the ink pigment applied by your tattoo artist.
Simultaneously, your body is also repairing the layer of skin that contains the tattoo pigment, itself.
Once the healing tissue reaches a certain point, the flakes/scabs will begin to fall away on their own. DO NOT ever pick or peel these flakes/scabs — let them come off in their own time.
Immediately afterward, you will see “cellophane-like” (slightly shiny) tissue beneath. This shinier-than-average skin will eventually return to normal, healthy looking skin.
Keep the area moisturized. Your body takes time to begin its natural exfoliation process again when you get a tattoo. This can take up to 2 weeks to return to normal.
Your tattoo will typically be considered “healed” when the scabbing/flaking phase ends. At this point, your skin should feel relatively normal and healthy again and you can resume your normal routines and activities.
Getting a tattoo interrupts your body’s natural exfoliation and oil production process. This makes it highly important to moisturize your healing tattoo regularly. Try not to over-moisturize the area either, however, as this will likely clog your pores, resulting in rashes or pimples. In extreme cases, during early stages of healing, over-moisturizing can actually dissolve platelets and re-open the tattoo wound. The result is more plasma weeping from the wound, which causes more severe scabbing. Remember: the goal when moisturizing your tattoo is maintaining a moisture level consistent with your normal, non-healing skin.
Since your body’s immune system has a limited amount of energy to dedicate to the healing of the wound, it’s important, for proper tattoo healing, to be in relatively good health. If you’ve recently suffered injury or illness, we recommend you avoid getting tattooed – at least until you feel like you’re 100% again. If you’re healing a broken arm and decide to get tattooed at the same time, your immune system must divide its healing efforts between both injuries. This results in both injuries healing more slowly, which is never ideal, and can result in complications. Avoid intense physical exertion, intoxicants, and intense stress when healing a tattoo for best results. Rest as much as possible and eat a clean, high-nutrient diet. You want to give your body ample resources to heal your tattoo as quickly and effectively as it possibly can.
It’s important to remember that there are many factors that can contribute, either positively or negatively, to a tattoo’s healing. Some of these factors include your body’s natural ability to heal, the quality and punctuality of your after care, the size and detail of the individual tattoo, the technical skill of the respective artist in working the skin, the color of the ink, and even the types of ink used.
It’s important to understand that just because a tattoo is deemed “healed” does not actually mean the skin, itself, is completely done healing. The maturation phase is the final phase of your skin’s wound healing process. During this phase of wound healing, collagen that was destroyed is re-accumulated and remodeled. The cells being used to repair the wound, which are no longer needed, are removed through a process known as apoptosis (programmed cell death). Consequently, cellular activity decreases significantly in the area. Generally, collagen remodeling begins approximately 21 days after the wound occurs, and can continue for a year or more. Although, it rarely takes that long in the case of tattoos.
It’s easy to believe that your skin’s healing is complete when the scabbing/flaking phase is over. However, keep in mind that some tattoos don’t scab or flake at all. Especially if you opt for a wet tattoo healing method using Saniderm. When you run the tattooed area under a warm tap, in the shower for example, it’s clear that the skin is still more sensitive than other skin in the same area. This sensation can last for weeks or even months after getting your tattoo. This doesn’t mean you need to avoid the outdoors, physical activity, etc. — presuming you’re past the initial phases of healing. Though, it may still be wise to avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight and other situations where skin trauma could occur.
This really couldn’t be more true in the case of healing a tattoo. Keep your tattoo vibrant and never neglect proper wound care!
Whether you’re covered in tattoos or you just got your first one, going through the peeling and flaking phase of tattoo healing can be highly unpleasant. Seeing large, colorful flakes of your tattoo peeling off may lead you to believe that your tattoo is losing color and ink or that something is wrong with it. However, tattoo peeling and flaking is a natural part of the healing process and is seldom something to worry about. But still, the more you can prevent it, the better.
In this article, we’re going to explore the process of tattoo healing, scabbing, flaking, and peeling in detail. We’ll also give some helpful tips for mitigating tattoo peeling and potentially avoiding the worst parts of scabbing by using the wet healing method with Saniderm. But most importantly, we’ll cover some critical DO’s and DO NOT’s to avoid scabbing and flaking, as well as taking care of a peeling tattoo.
It may not be obvious to some, but your new tattoo actually begins as an open wound. During the tattoo process, needles penetrate your skin thousands of times per minute. Your skin’s natural response to this trauma is to form scabs over the wound as a protection mechanism. But these scabs won’t usually present themselves like a typical bloody scab you may get from scraping your knee. Instead, the tattooed skin will harden, forming a protective layer of skin in an attempt to keep potential contaminants out of the wound. This thin, hardened layer of skin will naturally peel and flake off, unveiling a newer, healthier layer of skin.
As your tattoo scabs, the skin underneath it begins to regenerate, forming new skin cells. However, when the scab peels off, it will pull off the dead skin that initially experienced the trauma with it, which can include the topmost layers of your new tattoo! For obvious reasons, that is bad. This can result in a patchy, distorted, and dull design. So for that reason, it’s highly important to take preventative matters to avoid scabbing and mitigate peeling.
The short answer is yes: peeling is both normal and expected. It’s part of the healing process that typically begins within a few days of receiving a tattoo. This is a sign that the skin is regenerating, starting with sloughing off the dead, damaged skin cells, so new skin cells can form and grow.
As mentioned above, though, excessive peeling may indicate an issue, especially if it’s combined with swelling or inflammation or signs of infection, such as redness or feeling hot.
This is a typical example of tattoo peeling/flaking. Once again, it’s completely normal and nothing to be concerned about, but the more you can mitigate it, the better.
Essentially, tattoo peeling is the epidermis (top) layer of your skin going through extreme exfoliation. Exfoliation is something your skin does naturally on a daily basis, disposing of millions of dead skin cells. You don’t normally notice that your body is doing this because the exfoliation level is very minor.
However, when you get a tattoo, it becomes almost impossible to ignore. Unlike normal exfoliation, the skin flakes will be significantly larger in size and contain tattoo ink. This can certainly be alarming, but it is usually nothing to stress about.
Luckily, the bulk of your tattoo ink will be safely embedded deep under the dermis, or the skin below the surface. Some tattoo peeling is inevitable, but you still want to mitigate the peeling as much as possible to avoid distortions in your tattoo. Less peeling means a much lower chance of scabs forming and less itchy unpleasantness.
On average, new tattoos begin peeling around day four or five. This will vary from person to person. Some may experience peeling as early as day two and others may not experience it until about a week later.
Once the peeling begins, it usually subsides within a week or two. A myriad of reasons explains why some tattoos peel before others. And there are many reasons some tattoos peel more than others. These include the location of the tattoo, size, color, saturation, and how roughly or deeply the needles penetrated the skin.
Additionally, whether or not the tattoo has been covered with Saniderm, if aftercare products are at play, and which products are being used can determine the time and frequency of tattoo peeling. Areas exposed to friction and flexion, like fingers or elbows, will likely take longer to peel. Exfoliation happens much less frequently in these areas since the skin is naturally suited to endure more wear and tear.
Normal tattoo peeling can last anywhere from two days to one month. However, we have found that you can lessen the duration and amount of tattoo peeling by using the wet tattoo healing method.
The wet tattoo healing method involves the use of a dermal tattoo bandage, like Saniderm. Applying a tattoo bandage over a new tattoo protects your tattoo from unwanted contaminants, significantly decreasing the likelihood of infection. Common contaminants include pet dander, dust, bacteria, dirt, and other environmental elements.
It also keeps your body’s natural healing elements at the wound site and prevents them from forming scabs. This results in a clean, moist (or wet, hence the term “wet” healing), nutrient-rich environment for your tattoo to heal.
Furthermore, tattoo bandages are not to be confused with traditional cling wrap. Cling wrap is a thin plastic film, designed for trapping in moisture and keeping oxygen out. Saniderm is a polyurethane acrylic adhesive medical bandage that has been engineered specifically to heal tattoos. Oxygen and water vapor being able to enter and exit a healing wound is extremely important.
Saniderm bandages are permeable enough to allow oxygen and water vapor to move through but secure enough to block water and contaminants from entering the bandage. Essentially, Saniderm works by locking in your body’s natural healing fluids, moisturizing the tattoo and minimizing scabbing, peeling, and scarring.
DO’s While Caring For a Peeling Tattoo
DO – Wear loose clothing.
Tight clothing may rub and pull against your tattoo, potentially pulling off skin prematurely. Ideally, you should wear loose and comfortable clothing throughout the entire tattoo peeling process. The less you have rubbing up against your tattoo, the better.
DO – Give your body time to heal through its own natural processes.
As anxious as you may be to show off your new ink, it probably won’t look pleasant until after it’s healed. It will likely look dry, patchy, and flaky for a few weeks. Remember that your skin has undergone trauma and will need time to return to health. Be kind to your body and give it time to heal. Additionally, following a careful tattoo aftercare routine can help your tattoo heal faster.
DO – Keep the freshly tattooed area clean.
Cleaning your tattoo is a crucial part of the tattoo healing process. If you’re healing your tattoo with the wet healing method, you’ll need to clean your tattoo with a mild soap before and after each new bandage application. Regularly cleansing the tattoo will rid the area of any dirt, plasma, blood, or oil that might be clogging your pores. To promote faster, healthier skin growth, be sure your tattoo is clean and able to breathe. Additionally, make sure you’re wearing clean clothes and using fresh towels and sheets.
DO – Keep your tattoo moisturized.
After removing your first bandage and cleaning the tattoo, using an aftercare product will help prevent itchiness. Petroleum-based products should be avoided, as they are known to clog pores. Instead, opt for a mild and gentle aftercare product formulated specifically for tattoos, like Sanibalm. If you plan on applying a second bandage, apply the product directly on the tattoo only. Keep the surrounding area dry, as the adhesive on the bandage will not adhere well to a moist area.
DO NOT – Pick or pull on the scabs/flakes.
As tempting as it may be to pick away dead skin that is barely hanging on, DON’T DO IT! Your scabs are probably still attached to healthy skin, and if removed prematurely, the wound may reopen and bleed. If this happens, it could disturb the ink from the skin, distorting the tattoo design.
DO NOT – Itch, scratch, or rub your peeling tattoo.
Although you may think your hands are clean, your fingernails are great hiding places for bacteria. Rubbing or scratching may transfer bacteria from your nails to your open wound, risking infection. Additionally, scratching that itch may peel or flake off scabs prematurely, damaging your tattoo design.
DO NOT – Submerge your tattoo in water for extended periods.
Whether you’re using a tattoo bandage like Saniderm or not, submerging your tattoo in any liquid should be avoided for at least a few weeks. Taking a normal shower with your Saniderm bandage on is fine, but submerging it will weaken the adhesive. Once the adhesive loosens, it may allow water, soap, dirt, bacteria, etc. to enter the wound. Again, allowing contaminants to enter the wound site will increase your chance of developing a tattoo infection.
As your tattoo is healing, it’s important to know what to watch out for, so you know when to reach out to your tattoo artist or when it’s time to head to your doctor’s office. Five signs to watch for include:
Flu-like symptoms, such as having a fever or the chills, are tell-tale signs that your body is fighting an infection or an allergic reaction. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, reach out to your preferred healthcare practitioner ASAP.
Red, swollen skin–while some swelling and redness is normal and expected, if your tattoo still looks inflamed days after getting your tattoo, it could indicate that there’s a problem brewing. It’s best to address it sooner rather than waiting to see if it develops into an infection.
Excess fluid is another sign to watch for. A tattoo will naturally “ooze” fluids like excess ink, plasma, and even blood in the first hours or even a day after a tattoo. But if the tattoo continues to leak fluid–especially if it’s green or yellowish–it could indicate infection and should be looked at by a doctor immediately.
Itchy bumps or hives can be a sign of an allergy either to the ink or to the products you’re using. Even after the tattoo has healed, if you notice your tattoo is itching or showing unexplainable bumps or hives, you’ll want to reach out to a physician. Allergic reactions can take weeks, months, or even years to appear.
Scarring is a natural response to an open wound. Scabs naturally form over skin as part of the healing process. However, once fully and properly healed, a tattoo should have no signs of scarring.
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help your tattoo heal fully and look its absolutely best for decades to come. These include:
Keep it clean: Especially as the tattoo heals, it’s vital to keep your skin clean. Make sure you start with clean hands and use only a gentle, fragrance-free, antibacterial soap. Then allow the skin to air dry or pat it gently with a clean towel.
Choosing tattoo-specific products for aftercare: As your tattoo is healing, the skin can begin to feel dry, tight, and itchy. Applying a very light layer of a water-based cream designed for tattoo aftercare like Sanibalm can help relieve discomfort as the tattoo heals.
Protecting your skin from excess sun exposure: Due to the UV light, excess sun exposure can prematurely age the skin, leading the skin to look dull, dry, and to lose elasticity. What’s more, it can cause your tattoos to fade. So, take extra precautions to protect your skin by properly using a broad-spectrum sunscreen (30 SPF or above). Fifteen minutes before sun exposure, apply the sunscreen to exposed skin, especially your healed tattooed skin, and then reapply every two hours that you’re out in the sun.
Skip the tanning beds: To help your skin stay healthy and firm, avoid an increased risk of skin cancer, and prevent tattoo fading, skip the tanning beds. (They can also lead to discomfort or pain of tattooed areas for some people.) If you want to look tan, there are numerous sunless tanning cream or spray options to use instead.
Talk to a dermatologist: Skin can react within days or even years after it’s been tattooed. If you start to notice changes, reach out to a dermatologist (a doctor who specializes in skin) for guidance and treatment.
Tattoo peeling is a common and natural part of the tattoo healing process. But, you can significantly minimize peeling and potentially avoid scabbing by following the wet tattoo healing method. In addition to using Saniderm, following our guide to new tattoo care will teach you all you need to know about caring for your tattoo. We’ve formulated our products to help you heal your tattoos quickly and with ease, resulting in stunning tattoos you can be proud of for years to come.
Plasma is a gooey, yellowish substance that begins oozing out of your tattoo when you finish a session. Plasma is vital in the tattoo healing process. But, how much do you really know about plasma? Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered!
Plasma, the liquid component of blood, makes up approximately 55% of your blood volume in the body. This liquid gold contains dissolved proteins, glucose, electrolytes, hormones, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and most importantly, clotting factors. Its main purpose is to haul these substances to the areas of the body which are most in need.
When your body is injured—the plasma is then sent to the surface of the skin to be utilized for its clotting properties. Here it oozes through the injury, creating a barrier. This barrier begins to dry and harden, developing a scab. Doing so stops blood flow and seals off the body from the risk of infection while the nutrients and proteins in this important fluid begin to do their job—heal the injury.
It’s totally normal for your tattoo to leak plasma as it heals and scabs. This leaking will happen within the first 24 to 48 of getting the tattoo. Additionally, if not maintained well, your tattoo can start to bubble (known as tattoo bubbling), increasing the risk of damaging the tattoo and getting an infection.
Of course, scabbing during a tattoo is often something we want to avoid—so how do we utilize the healing properties of plasma without creating the dreaded scab? By preventing the fluid to dry, of course.
Saniderm seals in the plasma and keeps it in its liquid form, while still allowing your tattoo to breathe—another stage vital to the healing process. By keeping plasma in its liquid stage, it allows the fluid to do its basic function and heal the body through the use of its varied hormones and proteins. In its liquid form, plasma does not create the scabbing effect.
Is there a catch to this method?
Well, yes and no. Plasma’s healing properties are incredible and will heal your tattoo faster than if simply wiped away and not utilized. However, the problem lies in the plasma’s shelf life. Studies show that in its liquid form, the cells are only viable for approximately 24 hours. According to the American Red Cross, “Donated plasma is frozen within 24 hours of being donated in order to preserve the valuable clotting factors.”
For this reason, Saniderm’s instructions recommend removing the first bandage within 8-24 hours, depending on the level of weeping. As long as the bandage isn’t leaking plasma, you can leave Saniderm on for the full 24 hours. If you suspect there is a hole or a break in the seal of the bandage, it should be removed and replaced with a fresh bandage. Be sure to monitor the weeping closely and always replace the first bandage at the 24 hour mark.
We’re going to discuss a common experience that can occur while healing a new tattoo with the wet healing method – a stink coming from your new ink. When healing your tattoo with a product like Saniderm, there’s a chance you’ll notice a funky smell coming from your bandaged tattoo. Typically it’s not abnormal and is usually nothing to worry about, and in this article, we go into detail on what the smell is, and whether or not you need to do anything about it.
The short answer is no, your tattoo shouldn’t have a smell. However, if it is a fresh tattoo then you may notice some distinct smells right after it is finished. This smell may be the antibiotic ointment the artist applies to the tattoo.
When you get a new tattoo your body reacts as if it has an open wound.
Typically, you will cover a new tattoo for 3-4 days. During this time, the tattoo will start to discharge fluids. These fluids are a combination of plasma, blood, and lymph fluid. As these fluids start to decay and die, they will emit an order sometimes related to smelling like vinegar, cheese, feet, or other smells.
When you apply Saniderm to a fresh tattoo, you are instructed to leave the bandage on for 24 hours. As mentioned above, your tattoo will weep bodily fluid during this 24-hour period (and sometimes longer) causing your tattoo’s second skin to smell.
This fluid is a combination of excess ink that your skin didn’t take, blood, plasma, and lymph fluid. It is actually highly beneficial to allow your tattoo to “soak” in this fluid for a period of time. Plasma and lymph fluid are filled with white blood cells, which keep the wound site moist and aid in healing.
However, the cells in your plasma are only viable for about 24 hours. Once these cells begin “dying” or losing viability (one reason why we recommend removing the first Saniderm bandage and reapplying a new one after the first 24 hours) they can start to cause the wound site to smell unpleasant. Lymph fluid is the primary culprit which, coincidentally, is also what causes gauged ears or body piercings to smell unpleasant while they’re healing.
If you’re still within the 24-48 hour window of getting your tattoo, we recommend just removing your Saniderm bandage and applying a new one. Be sure you’re following proper application and removal steps!
If you’re already on day 3-4, presuming there are no signs of infection, complications, or excessive fluid buildup, it’s okay to leave that bandage on for up to the 5-day mark (even if it smells a little bit).
If your tattoo has been unbandaged and cleaned but still has a strong unpleasant scent more than 48 hours after your tattoo session, seek the help of a medical professional. This could indicate an infection. Additionally, if any of the following symptoms are present, seek the help of a medical professional:
Fever more than 48 hours after being tattooed
Chills or shivers more than 48 hours after being tattooed
Inflammation, swelling, or hotness to touch in the tattooed area more than 48 hours after the tattoo
Red streaks or marks
Pus oozing from the tattoo
Excessive scabbing
Swollen lymph nodes
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